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Dunkin 'Bigsy' Entelodont


The original (and only) poster child for GEMINI's ill-fated CHUD-Rehabilitation-Initiative (CHUD-REEEEE to those that remember it), Bigsy is currently the only human known to science that has been successfully brought back into civil society after a CHUD transformation.


Though he still bears scars, tattoos, and disfigurements from his time as a CHUD supersoldier, and his temperament has been described as 'like if Bigfoot were driven nuts by chronic pain', he remains a legend of GEMINI's Forward-Force division (the GFF).

While GFF drops are rare since the terminal assessment of Earth's biosphere, he still keeps his name on the roster despite his retirement to garage duty.


He and Neon Vox are old friends, and while he considers his life debt to her repaid, he remains close to her operations and is what she describes as 'the perfect foul-weather friend; he's there when you need him most, and gone before things get too cozy.'

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