"I've known Blair for a long time and have been working with her on a project for over a year. She's been the push I needed to get my writing up to code, as well as to toss out my bad ideas, emphasize the good ones, and focus up instead of chasing the next shiny thing on the horizon.
Honest, direct feedback is the single most valuable thing a writer can have, and Blair consistently gives it to me. It's been a pleasure improving my craft and seeing my bonkers project come together in a way it never would have if I kept hacking away at it on my own!"
- Nathaniel Flanders, long-term client
"I had the honor of mentoring Blair through two semesters of the low-residency MFA program in Creative Writing at Sierra Nevada College. Blair is one of the most talented, dedicated, prolific students I've ever worked with -- creative energy radiates from her; it vibrates from every word she writes.
Over our two semesters together, she worked on two novels, both of them deeply imaginative, completely engrossing, fully alive. Some of her images will stay with me forever. I know she will approach any work you give her with commitment, creativity, energy, and attention to detail."
- Gayle Brandeis, PEN/Bellwether Prize-winning author
"As a bestselling novelist and screenwriter, with a feature film distributed by Sony Pictures, I recognize Blair's skill and artistry as a professional colleague - a colleague I entrusted, and employed, with the difficult task of crafting a full-length, publishable, narrative memoir for one of my clients. It was a project she excelled at.
In her own literary enterprises, Blair has completed multiple novels, is writing a screenplay, writes essay poetry, is confident public speaker, and exhibits all the apparent -- as well as subtle -- characteristics of a born leader. She always hits her deadlines and responds positively and productively to feedback while maintaining a constant, open flow of communication.
She has a great sense of humor, too."
- Chris Millis, mentor and first client
"One of my accomplishments as the Academic Supervisor of Korea Poly School was persuading Blair to work for our school... I was convinced of her sincerity and intelligence.
Writing is Blair's passion, and she is able to communicate that passion to students and to help them discover their own voices. Her comments are insightful, offering appropriate challenges as well as accolades. Her optimistic and forward-thinking views are infectious.
She is a futurist who brings her life experiences, keen intellect, innovative views, and expansive vocabulary to her work. I have seen her teach EFL kingergarten students to read past the third grade level in their second language and to write poetry and stories with dialogue.
I unreservedly recommend her."
- William Gallagher, Head Teacher and Academic Coordinator for Korea POLY Magnet School
"Whenever I feel like not writing, I think to myself... 'Blair is probably writing right now.'"
- Alan Heathcock, mentor and author