GEMINI Fraternization Policy - Earth Remnants
Employees of GEMINI are strongly discouraged from forming emotional, physical, or personal attachments to Earthbound beings, regardless of their origins.
While GEMINI respects the decisions made by other entities, corporate or otherwise, to remain on Earth and pursue their own truth, our scientists are foremost in their fields and have little hope for the restoration of the biosphere.
GEMINI Station remains the last, best hope for humanity going forward, and this cannot be sabotaged by employees and corporate genomes who are irresponsible with their psychological attachments.
Remember, 'don't be evil; be effective.' It isn't cruel to resist bonding with those who are doomed, and there is only so much personnel capacity on GEMINI Station.
Employees who suspect they have formed an inadvisable attachment while on R&R should report to a corporate liaison immediately for psychological evaluation.