Jump Clones
The future of transportation is here! By using standard-issue neurological augmentations for on-death scanning, we can repurpose re-cloning infrastructure to blast your consciousness between a variety of clones.
Need a clone for work on Earth? Jump, jump!
Need a clone for work on GEMINI station?
That's right: JUMP, BABY, JUMP!
The tech required to make it work has already been standardized -- you WILL be replaced upon death. Don't worry about what happens after, because your consciousness will be transferred immediately to the nearest clone.
Due to legal and ethical considerations, clones of the same proprietary genome are not permitted to operate concurrently. Clones that wish for sovereignty rights must pursue augmentation and individuation proceedings in-line with GEMINI corporation citizen code.
A CCC hearing will be conducted at the request of any clone mistakenly or illegally activated by their genome-owner. Illegally operating concurrent clones is an automatic motherfucking forfeiture of genome rights. Don't be an idiot -- one clone at a time.